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Article Source: U.S. senators, including Idaho senator, oppose reclassification of potatoes - FOX 28 Spokane

WASHINGTON – A bipartisan group of senators including Senator Mike Crapo sent an opposition letter to reclassifying potatoes from a fruit to a grain.

The lawmakers, led by Sen. Susan Collins, a Republican, Sen. Mike Crapo a Republican and Sen. Michael Bennet a Democrat, said:

“Since the inception of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), it has classified potatoes correctly as a vegetable,” the group of Senators wrote. “There is no debate about the physical characteristics of the potato and its horticultural scientific classification. Unlike grains, white potatoes are strong contributors of potassium, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and fiber.”

The move comes amid reports that potatoes may be reclassified as grains in the upcoming Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGAs).

“Any change to potatoes’ current classification under the DGAs would immediately confuse consumers, retailers, restaurant operators, growers, and the entire supply chain,” the Senators continued. “We strongly urge you to avoid reclassifying potatoes as a grain or suggest grains and potatoes are interchangeable. Given the rapid timeline that the DGAs are on, we ask that you provide us an update on this issue as soon as possible.”

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