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Article Source: Grand Teton Ancient Grains growing and selling unique grains -

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A farm and mill in Eastern Idaho is bringing back ancient grains.

Located in the town of Teton, Grand Teton Ancient Grains grows and sells a variety of grains including einkorn, spelt, emmer, hard white wheat, khorasan, teff, and quinoa – to name a few.

“We are an organic family farm and mill restoring ancient grains to the family table,” Co-Founder and President Jade Koyle said. “We grow einkorn and other ancient grains on our farm in Teton, and we ship them all over the world.”

Koyle’s interest in ancient grains started in 2009 when he discovered and started a blog about einkorn. That interest eventually grew into Koyle and his family starting their farm in Teton.

What is einkorn?

Einkorn, according to, is the oldest wheat known to scientists and is considered ‘man’s first wheat.’

“It is easier to digest and even though it is high in protein, it has less gluten than modern wheat,” Koyle said. “Those with gluten sensitivities can often tolerate it but celiac disease is a much more complex health condition so they should definitely consult with their physician if they want to eat einkorn (some do!)”

Grand Teton’s Ancient Grain’s einkorn berries are ready for sprouting, milling into flour for baking, or used as a whole grain in salads, cereals, pilafs, and soups. Einkorn flour is also available.

“Our products are organically grown. We even test them to make sure they are glyphosate-free!” Koyle said. “Our customers are our biggest support and all that we do is designed to make the foods they eat healthier and more delicious.”

Grand Teton’s Ancient Grains offers free shipping of all of its products which can be found and ordered on its website here.

You can also find a variety of recipes on its website including soft einkorn ginger cookies, spelt pumpkin bars, and Khorasan Sandwich bread.

Idaho Grain Producers Association

“Our mission is to serve the grain producers of Idaho by representing their interests at the county, state and federal levels to enhance their profitability and long term viability.”

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821 West State Street
Boise, Idaho 83702-5832

(208) 345-0706