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Legislators Must Protect Farmer’s Access to Glyphosate

Idaho farmers use crop protection products like pesticides to grow crops reliably, maintain high yields, and stay competitive in the global market. These safe and approved products are a cornerstone of modern agriculture. However, trial lawyers and out-of-touch special interests are threatening Idaho farmers’ best defense against weeds—glyphosate—and in the process, potentially making farmers reliant on China for critical inputs.

Fortunately, some of our legislators understand what’s at stake and are willing to help. House Bill 653 was recently introduced in the Idaho legislature to provide the certainty needed to protect farmers’ access to these safe and approved tools.

However, just within the last few weeks, several lawmakers voted against similar legislation, deciding to put the interests of trial lawyers above those of American farmers. While this was a setback, not all is lost. With your help, we can protect farmers’ access to the tools they need to grow their crops, keep yields high, and ensure we have enough to eat.

Tell your legislator to stand up for Idaho farmers and support HB653.

Click here to find your Idaho state legislators and their contact information. Click here for a draft email (feel free to make it your own) – or if you’d rather give them a call or leave them a message, click here for talking points.

Idaho farmers need your support!

Idaho Grain Producers Association

“Our mission is to serve the grain producers of Idaho by representing their interests at the county, state and federal levels to enhance their profitability and long term viability.”

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821 West State Street
Boise, Idaho 83702-5832

(208) 345-0706